Category Archives: israel


Like most readers, I must rely on the judgments of experts as I make up my mind about the proposed agreement with Iran.  This column describes what I’ve learned and why the agreement deserves our support. Continue reading WHY SUPPORT THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL?

Will Obama’s Iran Strategy Succeed?

Since the end of WW I, American and European military powers have intervened in the Middle East by re-drawing national boundaries, overthrowing governments, supporting the establishment of Israel, and by fighting wars over oil, corporate profits, and terrorism.

Despite (or because of) the efforts of twelve American Presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to George Bush the region has religious civil war, two nuclear armed states (Pakistan and Israel), and multiple nations unable to govern themselves.  The anarchy has metastasized into northern Africa and southern Asia where residents of failed nations are easy prey for religious radicals and terrorists.

President Obama is trying something new and there is at least a glimmer of hope; but influential American and Israeli politicians are attacking the new strategies rather than helping them succeed.  The principles of the President’s strategy are understood and supported by our allies but American and Israeli right-wingers seem to see only military solutions. Continue reading Will Obama’s Iran Strategy Succeed?


Just a few days ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Jews are no longer safe in Europe; and he urged them to move to Israel. He has even found $46 million tax dollars to support their emigration. Abe Foxman, American President of the Anti-defamation League and a holocaust survivor, responded this way to the idea of Jews abandoning Europe “…I don’t think we should so easily grant Hitler a posthumous victory.” How can such stunning statements be explained? Continue reading THE DANGERS OF FOREIGN INFLUENCE