As valedictorian of his class at Bell County High School, Ben Bowling was invited to speak at the graduation ceremony.  He looked for some inspirational quotes to share with his classmates and included this one, “Don’t just get involved.  Fight for your seat at the table.  Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.’ – Donald J. Trump.”  The audience applauded.  Then Bowling added, “Just kidding, that was Barack Obama.”  The crowd went silent except for a few adult boos.  Bowling explained it this way, “I just thought it was a really good quote.  Most people wouldn’t like it if I used it, so I thought I’d use Donald Trump’s name. It is Southeastern Kentucky after all.”  Bowling was unsurprised by the crowd’s reaction.  He will soon be moving to the University of Kentucky for pre-med and medical school.

Christian Bales is valedictorian of his class and Katherine Frantz is the class President at Holy Cross, a Catholic High School in Covington, Ky.  (Sorry Kentucky, this is your day in the spotlight.)    Both were to speak at their Commencement.  But the Diocese (presumably the bishop) banned the speeches.  Bales’ father arranged for them to use a bullhorn to speak outdoors as graduates left the ceremony.  Both speeches are short and powerful messages encouraging graduates to live courageously as they continue learning and living the Christian social values taught at their private school.  Most of us would be proud of a son or daughter who wrote either speech.

CLICK HERE for Christian Bales’ speech

CLICK HERE for Katherine Frantz speech and Op Ed

CLICK HERE for interview with Christian Bales

CLICK HERE for Bales and Frantz interviews

Christian Bales and Katherine Frantz – Valedictorian and Salutatorian – But their speeches were banned by their Bishop

Frantz is an athlete, and a leader among students.  Bales has been more controversial.  He’s openly gay, gender nonconforming, and he’s been vocal on issues ranging from relocation of Confederate statues to honoring those who died in school shootings.  But his speech didn’t advocate for those concerns.  Instead, it praised students who are involved in civic issues and encouraged others to join them.  Both speakers pointed to the Christian values taught at their school; thanked the faculty for helping them grow; and expressed appreciation for an academic environment that helped them learn to think for themselves.  Bales closed with this, “We’ve learned a multitude of things at Holy Cross, and for that we extend a sincere thanks to our teachers, parents, faculty, and peers. However, it doesn’t stop here. We must take what we’ve learned in this community and apply it to the world we are about to encounter.”  What school would not be proud of that?

What’s happening here?  Why would exactly the same words be cheered if spoken by President Trump and booed if spoken by President Obama?  Why would the bishop of a conservative Kentucky diocese ban a speech celebrating Christian social values, delivered by the young valedictorian of one of his high schools?

President Trump himself has railed against “political correctness” and engaged in name calling, obscene speech and outright lies about political opponents.  These three intelligent and articulate high school graduates did none of that.  They spoke of their high hopes for a better future without once insulting or criticizing those of us who created the world that they will inherit.  Their rewards were boos and censorship.

It appears that we have a rising generation of young adults who intend to live by their values and consciences; and that will include active participation in our civic life.  Good for them!  And good for all of us.  We desperately need some idealistic and energetic leaders and workers to clean up after their parents.  Their generation will have its conflicts too.  Some will want to protect the environment and others will want to drill for oil.  Some will want to relocate Confederate statues.  Others will put Confederate flag decals on their bumpers.

But hopefully they will listen to each other and find resolutions to some of the problems that older generations left behind.  Maybe they will learn to judge the words of their President by the meaning rather than by his (or her) political party – and maybe they will remember how to listen to each other rather than censoring ideas from people who think a bit differently than themselves.

Is that too much to expect?  Let’s support these young adults in their effort.  I think they’re up to the task.